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RINCE2 Agile® est une solution combinant la flexibilité et la réactivité de l'agile avec le cadre clairement défini de PRINCE2®. Le framework PRINCE2 Agile couvre un large éventail de concepts agiles, notamment SCRUM, Kanban et Lean Startup. Il fournit des conseils sur l'adaptation de PRINCE2 dans un contexte agile et comprend:

Comment adapter l'ensemble intégré des principes, thèmes et processus de PRINCE2

Comment produire les produits de gestion PRINCE2

Comment mapper les rôles agiles communs à la structure de l'équipe de gestion du projet PRINCE2

Comment incorporer les comportements, concepts et techniques agiles fondamentaux dans PRINCE2

Objectif principal de PRINCE2 Agile

  • Pour soutenir les organisations et les individus qui utilisent PRINCE2 et qui souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances et la compréhension de Agile;
  • Pour appliquer les concepts d'Agile au sein de leur environnement de gestion de projet existant;
  • PRINCE2 Agile donnera aux utilisateurs agiles une compréhension de la gouvernance PRINCE2 et la façon dont les concepts d'Agile s'inscrivent dans le cadre de meilleures pratiques bien établies dans le cadre de gestion de projet plus largement reconnue dans le monde.

Contenus de la formation

La majorité des directives PRINCE2 Agile examine comment PRINCE2 et les méthodes agiles peuvent interagir et être adaptés pour bénéficier de la gestion globale des projets.

  • Comprendre les concepts communs de base d'Agile de travail;
  • Comprendre le but et le contexte pour combiner PRINCE2® et la façon de travailler d'Agile;
  • Être capable d'appliquer et d'évaluer les domaines d'intervention dans un projet dans un contexte Agile;
  • Être capable de fixer et de fléchir les six aspects d'un projet dans un contexte Agile;
  • Être en mesure d'adapter les principes, les thèmes, les processus et les produits de gestion d'un projet PRINCE2 dans un contexte agile;
  • Être pleinement préparés à passer l'examen PRINCE2 Agile.

Participants :

Cette qualification vise les gestionnaires de projet qui détiennent une qualification PRINCE2 Practitioner. Ce cours est également pertinent pour d'autres membres clés du personnel impliqué dans l'intégration de la gestion de projet avec la livraison du produit. Une compréhension des concepts agile dans PRINCE2 Agile sera également utile à ceux qui ont des responsabilités en matière de gouvernance pour les projets utilisant des approches agiles de livraison ainsi que ceux qui sont impliqués avec des fonctions de programme et de soutien du projet.
Il sera également d'intérêt pour les gestionnaires de programme avec MSP
® qui devront comprendre non seulement comment le programme concerne les projets, mais aussi la façon dont les projets sont liés avec le mécanisme de livraison.

Prérequis :

                Prince2 Foundation

                Prince2 Foundation

                Project Management Professionnal (PMP)

Examen :

                50 questions à choix multipe

                30 points pour réussir l’examen

                Durée 150 minutes

                Livre ouvert (Guide officiel Prince2 Agile)

Formation ISO 22301, Lead Auditor, certification

Business Continuity Management

Ce stage vous apportera l'expertise nécessaire pour auditer un Système de Management de la Continuité d'Activité basé sur l'ISO 22301. Vous apprendrez à planifier et réaliser des audits internes et externes conformes aux normes ISO 19011, 17021. Il vous permettra d'obtenir la certification ISO 22031 Lead Auditor.


• Concept de Système de Management de la Continuité d'Activité (SMCA)

• Planification et initialisation d'un audit 22301

• Conduire un audit ISO 22301

• Clôturer et assurer le suivi d'un audit ISO 22301

• Domaines de compétences couverts par l'examen

• Examen et certificat

Mastering the implementation and management of Anti-bribery Management System based on ISO 37001


This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in implementing and managing an Anti-bribery Management System (ABMS) based on ISO 37001:2016. Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of global anti-corruption best practice used to implement the anti-bribery management system based on ISO 37001:2016. This management system is designed to be integrated with any existing system, and can be adapted to any organization in any country.

Who should attend?

  • Project managers or consultants waiting to prepare and to support an organization in the implementation of an Anti-bribery Management System (ABMS)
  • ISO 37001 auditors wish to fully understand the Anti-bribery Management System implementation process
  • Persons responsible for the Anti-bribery conformity in an organization
  • Members of Anti-bribery  team
  • Technical experts of the organization wanting to prepare for Anti-bribery Management System function or for Anti-bribery Management System project management function

Learning objectives

  • To understand the implementation of Anti-bribery Management System in accordance with ISO 37001
  • To gain comprehensive understanding of the approaches, methods, measures and techniques required for the effective management of Anti-bribery Management System
  • To gain knowledge and skills in identifying risk and opportunities associated with an organization
  • To acquire the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining the Anti-bribery Management System as specified in ISO 37001
  • To  acquire the necessary expertise to manage a team implementing an ISO 37001
  • To develop the knowledge and skills required to advise organizations on the anti-bribery good practices
  • To help an organization implement the necessary measures in accordance with ISO 37001
  • To prepare an organization for an ISO 37001 audit

Course Agenda

Day 1: Introduction to ISO 37001 and integration with an existing MS

  • Course objectives and structure
  • Introduction to ISO 37001 and the process approach
  • Normative framework and ethics related to ISO 37001
  • Fundamental principles of ISO 37001
  • Initiating ISO 37001 implementation and integration with an existing MS
  • Understanding the requirements of ISO 37001 and clarifying the Anti-bribery objectives

Day 2: Define and Plan the implementation of ISO 37001

  • Selection of the approach and implementation methodology
  • Definition of the scope
  • Definition of Anti-bribery policy and objectives
  • Identification and analysis of organizations nature and the bribery risks
  • Drafting policies in compliance with ISO 37001

Day 3: Deploying the ISO 37001

  • Assessment of bribery risks, including due diligence
  • Implementation of anti-bribery policy
  • Communication of new policies to associated persons
  • Training and awareness plan 
  • Verification of compliance with ISO 37001

Day 4:ISO 37001 measurement, control, continuous improvement and preparation for certification audit

  • Monitoring organization’s benefits to ensure that they have anti-bribery purposes
  • Implementation of controls to prevent bribery risks
  • Implementation of financial controls
  • Internal audit
  • Management review
  • Treatment of problems and non-conformities
  • Continual improvement
  • Preparing for the certification audit
  • Competence and evaluation of implementers
  • Closing the training        

Day 5: Certification Exam


ISO 37001 Foundation Certification or a basic knowledge on ISO 37001 is recommended

Educational approach

  • This training is based on both theory and practice used in ABMS:
  • Sessions of lectures illustrated with examples based on real cases
  • Practical exercises based on a full case study including role playing and oral presentations
  • Review exercises to assist the exam preparation
  • Practice test similar to the certification exam

Examination and Certification

  • The "PECB Certified ISO 37001 Lead Implementer" exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Programme (ECP). The exam covers the following competence domains:
  • Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of ISO 37001
  • Domain 2: Anti-bribery best practice based on ISO 37001
  • Domain 3: Planning an Anti-bribery management system based on ISO 37001
  • Domain 4: Implement Anti-bribery policies based on ISO 37001
  • Domain 5: Performance evaluation, monitoring and measurement of Anti-bribery management system based on ISO 37001
  • Domain 6: Continual improvement of Anti-bribery management system based on 37001
  • Domain 7: Preparing for ISO 37001 certification audit
  • The “PECB Certified ISO 37001 Lead Implementer” exam is available in different languages (the complete list of languages can be found in the examination application form)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • For more information about exam, refer to PECB section on ISO 37001 Lead Implementer Exam
  • After successfully completing the exam, participants can apply for the credentials of PECB Certified ISO 37001 Provisional Implementer, PECB Certified ISO 37001 Implementer or PECB Certified ISO 37001 Lead Implementer, depending on their level of experience
  • A certificate will be issued to participants who successfully passed the exam and comply with all the other requirements related to the selected credential
  • For more information about ISO 37001 certifications and PECB certification process, refer to PECB section on ISO 37001 Lead Implementer Certification

Master the project management based on ISO 21500


This five-day intensive course enables participants to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in implementing Guidance on Project Management as specified in ISO 21500:2012. Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of best practices used to implement and manage project management processes.

Who should attend?

  • Project managers
  • Operations managers
  • Program managers
  • Quality managers
  • Senior managers
  • Consultants
  • Members of a project management team
  • Project sponsors

Learning objectives

  • To understand the implementation of projects in accordance with ISO 21500
  • To gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, approaches, methods, techniques and processes allowing an effective project management according to ISO 21500
  • To understand the relationship between the project management and the compliance with the requirements of different stakeholders of an organization
  • To acquire the competence to initiate, plan, implement, control and close a project as specified in ISO 21500
  • To acquire necessary expertise to manage a team implementing ISO 21500
  • To acquire the competence to effectively advise organizations on the best practices in project management

Course Agenda

Day 1: Introduction to ISO 21500 and project initiation

  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Terms and definitions related to Project Management
  • Project Management standards, frameworks and methodologies
  • Project Management concepts and their relationships
  • Project Management processes
  • Initiation of project management processes

Day 2: Planning the processes as specified in ISO 21500

  • Develop project plans
  • Define scope, create work breakdown structure and define activities
  • Estimate resources and define project organization
  • Sequence activities, estimate activity durations and develop schedule
  • Estimate costs and develop budget
  • Identify and assess risks
  • Plan quality
  • Plan procurements
  • Plan communications

Day 3: Implementing the processes as specified in ISO 21500

  • Direct project work
  • Manage stakeholders
  • Develop project team
  • Treat risks
  • Perform quality assurance
  • Select suppliers
  • Distribute information

Day 4: Controlling and closing the processes as specified in ISO 21500

  • Control project work and changes
  • Control scope
  • Control resources and manage project team
  • Control schedule
  • Control costs
  • Control risks
  • Perform quality control
  • Administer procurements
  • Manage communications
  • Close project phase or project
  • Collect lessons learned

Day 5: Certification Exam


 ISO 21500 Foundation Certification or a basic knowledge of ISO 21500 or Project Management is recommended

Educational approach

  • This training is based on both theory and practice
  • Sessions of lectures illustrated with examples based on real cases
  • Practical exercises
  • Review exercises to assist the exam preparation
  • Practice test similar to the certification exam
  • To benefit from the practical exercises, the number of training participants is limited


  • The “PECB Certified ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager” exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Program (ECP). The exam covers the following competence domains:
  • Domain 1: Framework of Project Management
  • Domain 2: Project Management processes based on ISO 21500
  • Domain 3: Planning a project based on ISO 21500
  • Domain 4: Implementing a Project based on ISO 21500
  • Domain 5: Performance evaluation, monitoring and measurement of a Project based on ISO 21500
  • Domain 6: Project Management Knowledge Areas ISO 21500
  • The “PECB Certified ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager” exam is available in different languages (the complete list of languages can be found in the examination application form)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • For more information about the exam, refer to the PECB ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager Exam.


  • After successfully completing the exam, participants can apply for the credentials of Certified ISO 21500 Provisional Project Manager, Certified ISO 21500 Project Manager or Certified ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager, depending on their level of experience.
  • A certificate will be issued to participants who successfully pass the exam and comply with all the other requirements related to the selected credential
  • For more information about ISO 21500 certifications and PECB certification process, refer to PECB section on ISO 21500 Lead Project Manager Certification

Maîtriser la mise en œuvre et la gestion des services de reprise après sinistre


Ce cours intensif de cinq jours permet aux participants de développer l'expertise nécessaire pour soutenir une organisation dans la mise en œuvre, le maintien et la gestion d'un plan de reprise après sinistre. Les participants auront également une compréhension approfondie des meilleures pratiques concernant les processus de récupération après sinistre concernant sa mise en œuvre et sa gestion dans une organisation.

Qui devrait être présent?

  • Les professionnels ou les consultants en sinistre désireux d'acquérir une connaissance approfondie de la récupération après sinistre
  • Les auditeurs de récupération après sinistre qui veulent comprendre pleinement le processus de mise en œuvre de la récupération après sinistre
  • CxO et les cadres supérieurs responsables du redressement après sinistre d'une entreprise et la gestion de ses risques
  • Personnes responsables de la récupération après sinistre au sein d'une organisation
  • Membres d'une équipe de reprise après sinistre
  • Personnel mettant en œuvre ou cherchant à se conformer ou impliqué dans un plan de reprise après sinistre.


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