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oBjectif de la FORMATION:

You will learn the methods in identifying vulnerabilities and take appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an organization. You will also have a foundation in disaster recovery principles, including preparation of a disaster recovery plan, assessment of risks in the enterprise, development of policies, and procedures, and understanding of the roles and relationships of various members of an organization, implementation of the plan, and recovering from a disaster.

This course takes an enterprise-wide approach to developing a disaster recovery plan. You will learn how to create a secure network by putting policies and procedures in place, and how to restore a network in the event of a disaster.


  • Module 01: Introduction to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  • Module 02: Nature and Causes of Disasters
  • Module 03: Emergency Management
  • Module 04: Laws and Acts
  • Module 05: Business Continuity Management
  • Module 06: DisasterRecovery Planning Process
  • Module 07: Risk Management
  • Module 08: Facility Protection
  • Module 09: Data Recovery
  • Module 10: System Recovery
  • Module 11: Backup and Recovery
  • Module 12: Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery
  • Module 13: Windows Data Recovery Tools
  • Module 14: Linux, Mac and Novell Netware Data Recovery Tools
  • Module 15: Incident Response
  • Module 16: Role of Public Services in Disaster
  • Module 17: Organizations Providing Services during Disasters
  • Module 18: Organizations Providing Disaster Recovery Solutions
  • Module 19: Case Studies

Informations GÉNÉRALES

  • Code : EDRP
  • Durée : 2 jours
  • Examen inclus


  • Gestionnaires d’incidents
  • Evaluateurs de risques
  • PenTesters
  • Cyber enquêteurs judiciaires
  • Consultant IT
  • Responsable IT
  • Responsable sécurité


Connaissances générales en réseau, sécurité


  • Support de cours anglais
  • Cours donné en français
  • Un PC par personne


• Number of Questions: 150

• Passing Score: 70%

• Test Duration: 4 hours

• Test Format: MCQ

• Test Delivery: (In our center) ECC Exam Portal


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